How to create uploader info page

An uploader page info page looks like this. It is a place where uploaders organize their works and provide information of themselves to readers. In order to create uploader info page, you should know how to create a new post first.

Alright, let's get started now.

*Note: if there is any pre-added code on post body, please delete it

Step 1: Create a new post, copy this code, place into post body and replace highlighted areas following instruction below:

<div class="anima cl">
<div class="anima-top cl">
<div class="anima-thumb col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-3 col-mb-12">
<a href=""><img src="" /></a></div>
<div class="anima-info col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-9 col-mb-12">
<span><b>Uploader name</b>: Cruz</span>
<span><b>Contact</b>: Private</span>
<div class="anima-synops">
I'm Cruz from scanlation group mangalism. Due to the fall of batoto, we build this website to store our manga and invite other scanlators/ uploaders as well.<br />
<br />
<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Chapter(s) I uploaded</b></a></div>

1) Replace blue color text with the url address of the cover image file of your Group. Click here to see how to find url address. Or leave it like that if you don't have a cover image file
2) Modify orange color text with respective information
3) Replace red color text with anything you wanna talk about your group
4) Replace purple color text with name of uploader (same as name on orange text)

Step 2: Type the label "uploader info" into Label box

Step 3: Choose a published date about one or two years in the past. E.g, 02/08/2016 or 11/12/2015.  You can click here, then scroll down to Step 4 to see how to set date/ time

That's it! Creating uploader info page may take a while but you just do it once! Now your group should be listed in Uploader list

  • Click "Download" button to read online!
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